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UX/UI Design / Research / Figma / Wireframing / Wellness



Time : Design sprint - 8 days


Device : Mobile app


Tools : Figma, Balsamiq, Canva, Zoom, Google Forms


We need to respond to the Daily Health Conference competition. DHC wishes to refresh its image and position itself more in the digital world by offering digital wellness applications to their members. The choice of the wellness theme is free.


To answer the challenge, we have some mandatory requests : give users the possibility to follow their progress and encourage a healthy lifestyle; let free the conservation of personal data (RGPD) and give a fresh and modern image to the app in connection with the DHC.

My role

For this project we were 3 UX/UI designers and our choice was a pregnancy tracking app. Personally I have the chance to be a father of a little girl and I know what this kind of application can bring to women but not only...

Secondary researches / Interviews Business & User / Competitive analysis



2,7 billions $

Market share of pregnancy apps in 2020.

Image de Apostolos Vamvouras

Top researched

Symptoms and nutrition are the most consulted topics.


Baby world

738k births in France in 2021. That's 3000 more than in 2020.

Image de Heather Mount

Users' talks

The words that come up most often among pregnant women: "unique", "doubts", "changes".

Image de charlesdeluvio

Google it!

Internet is the main source (83%), ahead of health professionals (62%).

Image de Klara Kulikova


A subject expressed by the respondents but often absent from pregnancy applications.

Empathy map

Empathy map.png

An Empathy Map is a method used to synthesize rational and sentimental aspects of our users through their situation, acts, feelings and emotions.

We want to reach an empathy level where we can look at the world through their eyes.

Our target users


Once I had gathered the information from  the users and empathize with them, I was able to create what we call a persona: a fictional person who will represent our target population.

And here is Alessia :


Alessia what is your real problem?

Problem statements


Women who are pregnant with their first baby need to be informed and reassured in order to prepare for the arrival of the baby, as this period of change and uncertainty prevents them from living their pregnancy serenely.


Generate ideas & features that match!


Value Proposition Canva : how to match user expectations with product features ?

Bloom VPC.png

To generate ideas, I thought about how to make users want to turn to Bloom with innovative features:

Femme enceinte

Site maps & User flows

It is with these features that I thought about the architecture of the future site. 

The flow must be intuitive and designed so that each page contains the right information in the right place.


Alessia wants to see her and her baby's progress. Then, she wants to consult her agenda to see her next appointments. Then, she wants to browse the adapted contents.

Finally, she wants to see her profile via the dashboard.


First concepts of the new born Bloom

Prototypes lo-fi to mid-fi

3 glances for A/B testing

As a team, we proposed to the users to test each of our prototypes in lo-fi and mid-fi versions, all this in remote under Figma.


Concept & usability testing 


Each iteration/prototype version is tested by a population that is close to our persona. Here is some feedback:

Grows :

"Ajouter le suivi du poids"

"Accéder plus facilement au calendrier"

Glows :

"Navigation simple et fluide"

"Top le conseil du jour et le suivi symptômes"


We got closer to what can exist in the world of childcare and baby games with colorful, pastel tones. Tada!


Style Guide

We have the pastel tones:  blue/pink colors are associated for boys/girls and the yellow color remind joy, cheerfulness and celebration. 


The typography "Averia" represents well the universe of the children. It is childish but readable.

Style Guide.png

Final Prototype (Hi-fi)

And here it is! The final prototype which includes :


  • Loading page with micro interaction

  • Homepage with tips of the day and quick info

  • One-click tracking of baby and woman's progress

  • Adapted articles, videos and podcasts 

  • A calendar overview with important appointments/reminders and the possibility to add your own appointments.

  • A dashboard that summarizes all the information of the mother-to-be

Check out the video of the prototype summarizing the features presented above :

Clic here to test my prototype.

Clic here to view my project board.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-23 à 17.13.03.png
Capture d’écran 2023-02-23 à 17.15.08.png

Next steps

Other profiles

Create a specific flow for father/partner (inclusive).

Nutrition feature

In-app feature with food recommandations.

Blogs & Toolbox

A forum to discuss &
Toolbox to save pictures, documents.


This project highlighted my UX/UI skills on the topic of wellness. We learn that the Design Thinking process is a process that works with multiple tools and we move forward in each step.


I enjoyed working as a team because everyone contributed to this exciting project. We all felt concerned by the cause and we would like to give birth to Bloom, a product I am proud to have presented to you.

Read the full case study on Medium.

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