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Routine au Naturel

UX Design / Research / Figma / Wireframing / E-shopping

Cover RAN.png



I'll show you how in 7 days I designed a responsive e-commerce website for a local business selling DIY and natural products based on the UX method of Design Thinking Process.



Routine au Naturel is still a concept at this period of the project, the brand needed a boost to make itself known and to promote the concept of Do It Yourself cosmetic. With 2 other designers, we decided to realize this challenge by proposing a website that could both satisfy our client and future users.


My role

Maintaining a relationship of trust with the owner: I had a role of dynamiter in the team, not hesitating to decide when it was necessary but by being benevolent with each member of my team. It is the listening and sharing that will make this project a success.



Secondary researches / Interviews Business & User / Competitive analysis


1 out of 3

1 French woman out of 3 has already made her own cosmetic products, a real trend in vogue.

Image de Belle Beauty

Range of products

There is a too much variety of cosmetic products, difficult to find one's way.

Image de Towfiqu barbhuiya

"Eco" buy

64% of French women

have already bought a natural or organic cosmetic product


Image de Curology

Healthy products

Users have a real interest in organic and natural products because they are beneficial for their skin.

Image de Ben Robbins

Leader #1

Aroma-Zone is the market leader with over 1700 products.

Image de Pommelien da Silva Cosme

Brand values

Natural products from Morocco, as effective as the big brand cosmetics.


Once I had gathered the information from the client and the users, I was able to create what we call a persona: a fictional person who will represent our target population.

And here is Sonia, a young connected woman who likes to wear makeup to work or out with friends!

User journey : Beauty Routine

In order to reinforce Sonia's image and understand her real needs for our client, I defined her user journey map, which is her beauty routine that will describe her emotional phases, whether positive or negative.


Sonia wants products that are good for her and that work on her skin type. The results are satisfactory after several months but it's worth it.

Problems Statement

Definition of our problematic to answer Routine au Naturel and the users



The young connected woman needs online advice on the new trend of DIY because she wants to try this trend and make her own products but she is a beginner in this field and needs guided support.



Our client offering DIY organic/natural cosmetics does not have a channel to sell her products. She knows that her products tested on her and her entourage are attractive and she would like to acquire via a digital distribution channel a clientele that have the same needs as her.



To make the future site of Routine Au Naturel, we need a website that responds to users and that offers our creator to make his products known.

Here are the pages thought for the future site:

Forme abstraite

Site maps & User flows

It is with these features that I thought about the architecture of the future site. It is important to guide/hierarchize the elements and not to overload the information to facilitate the user in a fluid navigation.

We will look for the purified and simple side, do not forget that we want to sell natural / organic cosmetics.

Here is the journey of a user who wants to discover DIY recipes and buy his products via the recipe page.

Why did we choose this option? To highlight the brand's know-how with home-made recipes in less than 5 minutes and to propose the direct purchase of products via a recipe ingredient section, as for a dish.

Thus, the user can consult his recipe and buy his products, all on the same page.


From scratch to high-fidelity desktop prototype

Lo-fi Aimen
Lo-fi Joel
Lo-fi Prototypes


3 UX Designers : 3 concepts

Why settle for just one version, might as well see the grows/glows of each concept and combine the whole later.

Concept testing

Each iteration/prototype version is tested by a population that is close to our persona. Here is some feedback:


"Dissociate the recipe page from the kit page"

"Suggest a basket to cancel an item".

"Clear homepage with products classified by sections: bestsellers, new products..."


Focus on content and fluid user experience.

Responsive to adapt to any screen.

Page catégorie
Page recette
Page Mon panier
Page confirmation de commande

Usability testing

“Better than Aroma-Zone, eager to see the website !”

Positive feedback after testing the mid-fi prototype with some proposals:

- add a footer with the T&C/help

- highlight the benefits of the products

- integrate a quick mini-questionnaire to get personalized advice on products to buy.

Business share

All the process was presented to our client to share with her the approach applied and my vision of designing her website to display her brand, her concept and her products.

Mockup page 1.png

Next steps


Working for a professional client allows me to put my skills as a UX designer to good use. 

It was a motivating and exciting project because I was involved in the genesis of a project. My e-commerce website solution has clearly contributed to take the Routine au Naturel brand to a wider dimension. I wanted to show our team that we could accept the challenge and succeed.


I wish good luck to Imane in her project with Routine au Naturel.


Read the full case study on Medium

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